Coming in Spring 2023, Zero Waste Melrose will launch All Taste Zero Waste, a new restaurant waste reduction initiative.

THE GOAL of All Taste Zero Waste is to cut back on the amount of disposable packaging and food waste generated when Melrosians dine out and order takeout. Zero Waste Melrose wants to help restaurants focus on what they do best: Create great food and happy customers, just with less waste.

HOW IT WORKS: Restaurants select from 12 actions to reduce waste. The options give restaurants flexibility to decide which actions fit their operational and customer needs. Some restaurants will start with one action, while others will be able to do more.  All of these actions benefit the environment — and some also save the business money. While restaurants implement changes, Zero Waste Melrose will also do public outreach to let Melrosians know how they can be supportive. Every action counts; small changes add up. 

BENEFITS FOR PARTICIPATION: Ongoing outreach will provide updates on the program’s progress (participating restaurants, popular actions being implemented, and other developments). As restaurants implement actions, Zero Waste Melrose will spotlight each restaurant’s progress for the community. Be recognized for doing good for the community and the environment.

LET’S GET STARTED!  By the end of 2023, we aim to get commitments from all Melrose restaurants to implement at least one action.  Over time, we expect our city’s restaurants will add more waste-reduction actions. To learn more or to get involved, contact us at

Actions List: Choose at least one action to get started.

Choose from Actions To Get Started (easier on-ramps) and Actions For Even More Impact (bigger changes for bigger outcomes ).

Easier on-ramps to join the program

1. Provide extras for takeout/delivery by request only. Customers opt-in to request utensils, straws, napkins and condiments.

2. Replace black plastic take-out containers with white plastic containers. Black plastic is not recyclable and is a major contaminant in the recycling stream. 

3. Encourage customers to bring their own reusable containers for leftovers when dining in.

4. Incentivize customers to help reduce waste with rewards for bringing their own bag or mug. Suggested incentives are loyalty points or a small discount at the time of purchase.

5. Ensure compliance with Melrose’s laws on plastic checkout bags, polystyrene, and plastic straws.

More intensive changes for bigger outcomes  

6. Replace disposables with reusables for dine-in customers. Pick at least one item (silverware, drinkware, plates, napkins, etc.) and replace it with a reusable option.

7. Provide a water refill station for refillable bottles/containers. 

8. Audit food waste to identify opportunities to reduce wasted food. 

9. Rescue unsold food from the trash and help feed hungry people by partnering with a food rescue organization like The Food Drive. 

10. Implement or expand recycling of containers/packaging used in FOH or BOH.

11. Implement a food scrap composting program 

12. Pilot a service that allows customers to choose reusable containers for take-out orders.

CHOOSE YOUR OWN OPTION: Got a different waste reduction idea that you want to implement? That counts too! Let’s chat.

What if you already do one of these actions?

That’s great! Let us know what the restaurant is already doing so we can spotlight your good work.

Interested in increasing your impact: Can you pick another action to do even more?

Is Melrose Health Department on-board with these actions?

Yes! Zero Waste Melrose reviewed the full list with the Health Department to ensure all actions comply with local health regulations.

Reasons to participate

  • ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Plastic disposables and food waste contribute to pollution, litter and climate change.

  • COST REDUCTION: Some of the actions will save restaurants money or are cost-neutral.

  • CONSUMER PREFERENCES: Customers increasingly want food experiences that create less waste.

  • PROMOTION: Zero Waste Melrose wants to help local businesses do well by doing good. We will publicize and promote participating restaurants.