10 tips to zero waste your farmers’ market trip

Zero Waste Melrose has 10 tips to make your farmers’ market trip as zero waste as possible.  

Bring with you:

1.       reusable tote bags – bring multiple bags, preferably large ones that can handle big items like leeks and ears of corn

2.       reusable small bags – smaller bags can corral produce like apples or onions within your larger bags

3.       emtpy glass jars / plastic containers – after purchasing delicate produce like strawberries or blueberries, transfer it to your own glass jar (save your jam and tomato sauce jars!) or plastic tub, and return the container to the vendor, allowing the farmer to reuse the container (We know, plastic is not ideal and we’re trying to eliminate it, but the reality is, we probably all have it in our cabinets. Might as well use it until no longer feasible, as throwing it away just creates more waste.)

4.       metal tiffins – similar to glass jars, metal tiffins, while smaller, can protect your fragile goodies but without fear of glass breaking

5.       towel wraps / wine bottle mesh / cardboard six-pack carriers – if you buy dairy products such as yogurt or milk, they may come in glass jars - place the jars in an adapted six-pack carrier to keep them upright, or wrap them in towels or re-use wine bottle mesh sleeves to keep them from clinking and breaking

6.       reusable napkins – use to wrap herb bunches, keep items cool, absorb condensation, and even wipe hands after partaking of samples!

7.       wagon / carry cart – supermarkets have grocery carts, but at a farmers’ market you’ll need to provide your own. A kid’s wagon will do nicely!

8.       cardboard egg cartons – return these to egg vendors or use them to carry home small produce like cherry tomatoes or radishes [Check out more of ZWM’s tips for using cardboard egg cartons.]

9.       a plan for seasonal items – farmers’ markets offer seasonal items like asparagus in spring, pumpkins in fall. Have a meal plan in mind – grilled asparagus in May, pumpkin bisque in October – that will work with a season’s offering.

10.   CASH, in a variety of denominations and especially small bills


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