Curbside Textile Pickup now Available in Melrose
MELROSE, MA—The Melrose Department of Public Works (DPW) and Zero Waste Melrose (ZWM) are pleased to announce that, as of November 2019, Melrose homeowners are now able to recycle textile and other household products through curbside pickup.
The service is being offered by Simple Recycling, a private, for-profit company that is currently operating in multiple cities and towns throughout southern New England. Nearby municipalities using the program include Brookline, Saugus, Medford, Somerville, Burlington, Lexington, and several others.
Under the program, homeowners are able to place their pink bag, or bags, containing the items out on the curb with their trash and recycling containers on their regularly scheduled trash/recycling pickup day. Simple Recycling will pick up the pink bags and leave empty pink bags for the homeowner’s next pickup.
Pickups begin during the week of November 4. If you didn’t get this flyer or your first pink bags in the mail, you can pick up pink bags at the Melrose Department of Public Works facility on Tremont Street.
DPW and ZWM (formerly the Melrose Recycling Committee) urge those Melrose residents who currently donate clothing items to the schools to keep on doing so. Simple Recycling has found that, in the communities in which it is operating, existing clothing donation programs work smoothly with the curbside service. The curbside service offers a responsible disposal alternative for many homeowners who had been throwing eligible items into the trash, or who had been relying on other options that were less convenient.
While the program focuses primarily on textiles such as men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing, many other small household items are eligible for recycling, as long as they can fit into the pink bags. These items include shoes, jewelry, purses, hats, pots and pans, silverware, dishes, drapes and curtains, blankets, and small toys. Simple Recycling will provide more detailed information on eligible items, as well as other aspects of the program, in its mailings to Melrose households.
For further information about Melrose’s new curbside textile collection program, please contact DPW at 781-665-0242 or contact Zero Waste Melrose via email at Or you can contact Simple Recycling ( at 866-835-5068 or