10 uses for cardboard egg cartons

Of course giving or returning cardboard egg cartons to egg sellers at farmers’ markets is an eggcellent (sorry, couldn’t resist!) way to reuse cardboard egg cartons, and here are 10 more.

  1. Start garden vegetable seeds by dropping soil and seeds in each egg cubby. Once sprouted, tear apart the carton and drop directly in the outside garden bed.

  2. Organize garage bits and bobs in a carton, then close the lid, label, and stack on a shelf.

  3. Use as a slower-burning option than paper to get the fire started in your fire place / fire pit / wood-burning stove.

  4. Flatten the cartons and use them to suppress weeds under the mulch in your flower garden.

  5. Organize your sewing drawer, with safety pins, buttons, bobbins, and other supplies each in their own cubby.

  6. Create fun and plastic-free kids crafts – a quick internet search yields a baker’s dozen of ideas!

  7. Store small, fragile ornaments and keepsakes.

  8. Carry home your cherry tomatoes from a farmers’ market – or store your home-grown tomatoes – in the safety of a 12- or 18-egg carton.

  9. Donate to friends that garden, raise poultry, or invite you to their fire pit!

  10. And when all ideas are eggshausted (the last pun, promise!) recycle the cardboard cartons in your paper recycling.


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